Transbuddha is streaming The Concretes' new music video for "On The Radio", for those who are Win XP/2000 challenged such as myself. THe Concretes play Horseshoe Tavern this Thursday May 4th!
Having travelled from the west coast to Ontario and back, Victoria, BC's The Paper Cranes will make their way back east for some shows in Ontario in June. They'll be in our neck of the woods for a show at Sneaky Dee's on June 9th and The Casbah in Hamilton on June 12th.
In other news, Radiohead will be at Hummingbird Centre on June 7th and 8th. Word over at Stille Post is that tickets will be running (a proposterous)$71.65, plus applicable service charges. Tickets on sale, Saturday May 6th @ 10am. I'm really gonna need a kick in the ass to convince me to even consider buying tickets to this.
Ground Control Touring has Sonic Youth North American tour date info, but unfortunately no Toronto date.
Pitchfork doesn't shed much new light on Final Fantasy's upcoming new album, "He Poos Clouds", due out May 9 in Canada on Blocks Recording Club and June 13 in America via Tomlab. However, Pitchfork does offer the following bit of news(or non-news perhaps) from Mr. Pallett who says, "Arcade Fire have recorded at least three minutes of new material, last I heard from Jeremy [Gara, drummer]...At any rate, I'm donating my harpsichord to their new studio, and I think they're buying a pipe organ off my dad." Hey, three minutes of new Arcade Fire is better than no minutes, right? Does this mean that The Arcade Fire backlash is officially over?
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