SHOT contributes some interesting commentary on the continuing indie-yuppie debate. I'm primarily interested in the economic perspective of this debate. This whole indie-yuppie thing isn't new in my opinion. It's been going on for years in one form or another, and really maybe the only difference today is the technological factor(ie.internet, mp3 players, etc). The indie-yuppie tag reminds me of the character Jimmy in
"Quadrophenia" who works a 9-to-5 job for 'The Man' in order to finance his Mod lifestyle after work and on the weekend. I think the only difference between Jimmy and an indie-yuppie nowadays is that Jimmy
hated his job and worked
purely as a source of income to finance his lifestyle whereas someone today working a comfortable-paying job likely enjoys(for the most part) his job as well as reaps its financial benefits in order to finance a lifestyle that he/she strives for. As a consumer of indie culture(specifically indie music) myself since the mid 90's, I've always been thinking, how-the-fuck are you suppose to afford the exorbitant prices for indie music releases unless you work a comfortable-paying job? My job has afforded me the opportunity to go to concerts and buy CD's but my interest in this culture was early-born and genuinely heartfelt and is not an extension of a yuppie self-centeredness. [photo from
Hey just saw over at
eye that City Field(w/ The Disraelis, SS Cardiacs) will be playing the
Silver Dollar in Toronto next week on June 21st. City Field are greattttt!!!!
eye does the ol' Q & A with
Sleater Kinney who'll be playing
The Phoenix this Saturday.
NOW also speaks with the ladies.
Los Angeles Times speaks with
The Go-Betweens who've returned to the US after a fifteen year absence. I picked up The Go-Betweens'
"Liberty Belle And The Black Di" in a discout bin yesterday and have been basking in its wonderfulness. Their newest CD
"Oceans Apart" is now looking tempting.
Not-so-'Broken Girl',
Julie Doiron speaks with
The Ottawa Sun. [link from
Largehearted Boy]
A post at says that the previously TBA venue for the
Of Montreal show in Toronto on August 30th has now been confirmed for
Lee's Palace.
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